Be a SUB at New Berlin!!
If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher please contact ROE#51 to complete their necessary steps.
- Regional Office of Education #51
- 2201 D. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield
- Ph# 217-753-6621
If you currently have a Sub License and hold a Sub Authorization with the Regional Office of Education, #51 and would like to Sub at New Berlin, CUSD #16, please contact the District Office for paperwork.
- 600 N. Cedar
- Ph# 217-488-2040 ext. 397
Those who have been issued a Sub license after July 1, 2017 can apply through the District Office to receive a refund of their application and registration fees after working 10 full days.
- Contact the ROE to Sub
- Contact the New Berlin District Office to get on our Sub List
- After 10 full days of Subbing, come to the District Office to request the reimbursement form